chapter 1 - Podcast is Ready!

Here we are at the time of harvest—the Autumn Equinox—reaping the rewards of what we have sown over the spring and summer seasons. I am harvesting some of my stories through a podcast series. Over the past spring and summer, I spent time reflecting and remembering what brought me to the work that I find myself doing now. 

Most of you know that I was a classroom teacher for years until 2013, and before that, I was a preschool teacher. So, to find myself not in a classroom each September is still shocking at times. So many Septembers were spent setting up routines and lesson plans and getting to know brand new groups of students. I loved it then and still miss it now. 

That being said, as I remembered the winding road that brought me here, I am full of gratitude. It was not an easy road, but it was my road, and I trust the unfolding of my life completely. So, I spent this spring and summer remembering and writing and recording. And now, just in time for harvest, it is ready for you to listen.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not one for social media. I use it as little as possible, mainly to invite you to join me in a class or some other offering. But I am one for conversation about things that matter, and a podcast seemed like a very good vehicle to allow me to do just that. 

Since time began humans have connected with one another by telling their stories. My deepest wish is to create a community of connection here through this space and my website. 

I recently left the community where I raised my family for 24 years. At this stage of life (probably any stage), it has been hard to leave good friends behind and make new friends in a new place. 

I have reflected deeply on how friendships are created. The common thread that I have found is our stories. Of course. As I contemplate the transformation from when an acquaintance or colleague became a friend, it was when we began to share our stories. We found points of connection through shared experiences. We experienced awe and wonder, and maybe for some magical moments, we were able to walk in each other's shoes. Story was the vehicle that allowed friendships, community, and connection to be made. 

I hold the stories that others have shared with me over the years near and dear to my heart. Whether we are still in contact or not matters not at all. The stories and connections live forever in my heart, whether we have been separated through death, distance, job change, or simply the end of a season. Story give us a place to belong. 

When I was a teenager, my Grandma Mac told me, “Learn to love to read, and you will never be lonely.” She was an avid reader and a widow who lived on her own for decades. She always had a book on the go; I am sure those stories kept her company. 

I sincerely hope that one day, I will get to hear your stories. Perhaps you and I might gather around the fire or a cup of tea as we share our stories, our hopes, and our dreams for the world we want to live in.

Until then, I hope you will listen in as I share what I have experienced, a few things I have learned along the way that have deeply supported me, and my hope for the future. One thing I know for certain is this: we need each other. This world is complicated and beautiful and tragic and everything in between, and in the words of Ram Das, at the end of the day, we are all just walking each other home. 

So, I welcome you to this audio journey, where we'll explore how to remove the layers and veils of conditioning, limiting beliefs, and unhelpful patterns hindering your most brilliant expression.

The first chapter of five is located right here in Substack. You can also find this podcast series in Apple Podcasts and Spotify under Be Well with TL. A new episode will be released every two weeks.

In this first episode, I discuss the 3 a.m. thought and how I was constantly awakened from my sleep because of my stress and overwhelm.

Please grab a mug of your favourite tea and enjoy this episode.

Thank you for listening.


chapter 2 - Stress is not a feeling, it’s an indicator


what’s in my mug: plums plums everywhere!